
Wales News Online

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A BROTHER and sister were given permission to build their own homes so they can stay in their home village of Aberarth.

Ceredigion County Council’s development control committee voted against a recommendation for refusal of two affordable houses on land opposite Erw Las at its meeting on May 8.

The siblings’ mother Eirian Toth told councillors that this development was “the only opportunity my children will ever have on remaining in Aberarth.”

She added that both Sion and Menna worked in the area, with Sion planning to work on building the homes with his father, Janos.

Local member Cllr Dafydd Edwards backed the proposal which would allow the children to stay in the area.

“There’s such a thing as a brain drain – young people are leaving our communities because of a lack of work but also there’s a lack of affordable housing,” he added.

Cllr Gareth Lloyd acknowledged the difficulty officers faced when an application is against policy but the committee “had the chance to look at the justification.”

The outline plan was approved with further details to be considered under a reserved matters application.

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