
Wales News Online

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Ceredigion to launch new Public Toilet Strategy

MORE public toilets in Ceredigion could see charges introduced and others maintained in partnership with the county council to avoid closures.

A draft Public Toilet Strategy will be discussed next week, which sets out a framework for the provision of public conveniences over the the next ten years.

Members of the thriving communities overview and scrutiny will give their opinion on the proposal at its meeting on Thursday, (Jun 27).

It highlights that future budget cuts could impact on the provision of toilets and their maintenance therefore options to generate income either by the council or by engaging with other public bodies and private sector business was required.

The report to committee includes the results of a recent public consultation which showed that 66 per cent of respondents would pay for public toilets.

It also highlighted a need to promote the council’s Community Toilet Scheme which sees businesses make their toilets available for people who may not be customers.

Adequate signage, local mapping and online information are also included as part of the draft strategy.

It adds that the council aims to “encourage the future provision of well maintained, clean, safe, accessible and sustainable toilet provision for present and future generations.”

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