
Wales News Online

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A PRIVATE company was paid more than £17,000 to help the council develop a new model for day centre services.

When Pembrokeshire County Council announced its consultation on “hub and spoke” model for services for elderly and disabled people last month it refused to say how much it paid for assistance developing the plan and holding “co-production events.”

It said the money paid to Peopletoo was commercially sensitive but a Freedom of Information request reveals that the company revived £17,092.80 for “consultancy work.”

Cabinet agreed at its May meeting to consult with residents on a model which will includes ‘wellness hubs’ for specialised care and support.

The consultation will be launched at the end of this month or the beginning of July, a council spokesman said.

“Satellite provision” which will include links to “thriving community activities and opportunities in areas such as Milford Haven, Solva/St Davids, Fishguard and Crymych,” reducing the need for travel, a cabinet report stated.

The hubs are likely to be based at the Cleddau River Day Unit or The Anchorage social activity centre (SAC) in Pembroke Dock, The Avenue SAC in Tenby, Meadow Park Day Centre or Portfield SAC in Haverfordwest and Bro Preseli Day Centre, Crymych.

The plans are in their “formative” stages the council has said.

The potential closure of any current day centres still unknown and it remains unclear whether any jobs would be lost or what cost savings may be.

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