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HOW to distribute money from second home council tax to communities will be on the scrutiny agenda this year.

Ceredigion County Council’s corporate overview and scrutiny committee met on Wednesday (Jun 19) to discuss its forward work programme for the next 12 months.

Cllr Gareth Rees said that there had not been discussion for two years about how to spend the second home council tax revenue.

“Should we as committee push the agenda here, about what is happening with these things as I’m sure we should have a meeting by now.

“There’s been three years of the initial scheme, we should have money to distribute to communities,” he said.

Cllr Elizabeth Evans added that she had discussed it with officers and there was an intention to “distribute the pot” next year.

“Pembrokeshire has been doing it for a year or two now, Pembrokeshire has a template. I agree we should be having a meeting on that,” she said.

Cllr Lyndon Lloyd asked that more information be provided on what money comes from the Welsh Government and what it’s intended for while closer scrutiny of partnership working was also raised.

Cllr Ceredig Davies included ERW and its work with schools and Cllr Rees said that the Growing Mid Wales partnership should also be examined.

“We need information on how much money is saved by being in these partnerships, are we getting value for money,” he said.

He was backed by Cllr Evans, who added “Growing Mid Wales should have been scrutinised from the very beginning.”

It was agreed that the partnership work be discussed by the coordinating overview and scrutiny committee.

Other items on the corporate work plan include health and safety team review, the Medium Term Financial Plan, welfare reform performance and updates from task and finish groups.

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