
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Five year jail sentence for man who shot at police

RICHARD Lawrence Alan Barnard, aged 44, of Alltforgan, Oswestry, has today been sentenced at Caernarfon Crown Court following a firearms incident to five years imprisonment.

We launched an investigation following an incident on Monday, January 21, at Alltforgan, Llawddyn, Powys, where a firearm was discharged at unarmed officers who had attended to assess his well-being.

Barnard has been convicted of possessing a firearm (sawn off shotgun) with intent to cause fear of unlawful violence and acting in a manner likely to endanger aircraft by firing in the vicinity of an overhead police helicopter with a starting pistol.

DCI Gareth Roberts: “We welcome the sentencing that reflects the seriousness of the incident whereby our unarmed officers seeking to check Barnard’s welfare were shot at by a weapon that could only be assumed at the time to be lethal.

“The response was swift and the incident was managed effectively to ensure that no harm came to Barnard, officers or other members of the community. The officers initially attending are to be commended for their bravery in co-ordinating a response whilst under significant stress.

“We will continue our efforts to ensure that the criminal use of firearms remain infrequent and exceptional occurrences in our safe communities.”

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