
Wales News Online

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POSSIBLE poster ideas for schools and communities requesting more to be done to combat litter will be funded through fines. 

In its first six months a pilot scheme fining people for littering and dog fouling has seen more than 2,000 tickets issued and around £24,000 generated.

A half year evaluation of District Enforcement and its impact on littering and dog fouling levels in Pembrokeshire is due to be discussed next week.

A report to the services overview and scrutiny committee on Thursday, April 10 states that 1,590 fixed penalty notices have been paid, 179 were written off and 53 resulted in court summons.

Cigarette litter, including butts and rolled cigarettes, made up the majority of fines.

There were slightly more men fined than women and the most common age group to be caught was 20-29.

Pembrokeshire is now said to be one of the best performing local authorities when it comes to “cleanliness levels” the report states.

There were 34 fines for dog fouling, 23 of which have been paid, eight are due and three have been written off.

Figures show a 50-50 split on gender for offenders, with the highest number issued to those in the 50 – 59 age bracket, level with the unknown age bracket.

It adds that the money raised is being reinvested in communities including signs to increase awareness and replacing services previously removed to cut costs.

Future plans include looking at the issuing of fines for those who do not transfer household waste properly, under changes to Welsh Government legislation.

Operations to combat fly-tipping will also continue, it adds.

The evaluation includes reference to public concerns about the scheme, adding: “The nature of these caught in the act offences can make this type of activity unpalatable to individuals and Members with comments being commonly made that offenders were being stalked, that officers were covertly monitoring and that the attitude of the officer was rude, discourteous etc.”

PICTURE: An update on the first six months of District Enforcement includes a breakdown of fines issued. 

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