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Banning order for football fans following assault at Cardiff City Stadium

THREE MEN have received football banning orders following an incident at the Cardiff City Stadium.

Lee Thomas, from Pentre, was given a five-year banning order after admitting to an assault at the Cardiff City v Manchester United game on December 22.

Gareth Walters, from Ely, and Royston Davies, from Llanrumney, were given three-year banning orders for the same incident.

Following their convictions, the men were also ordered to complete unpaid work and pay compensation.

A disturbance broke out in the Canton Stand towards the end of the first half when it became clear that a 22-year-old from Ely, and his 16-year-old brother, were Manchester United fans.

They were escorted by stewards from the stand to the concourse, where the violence by the defendants continued.

PC Christian Evans, from South Wales Police, said: “The victim, and his brother, had obtained tickets for the wrong end and unfortunately, despite their best efforts, were unable to contain their emotions when Manchester United were awarded a penalty.”

“While it was perhaps foolish to sit in the home end, this young man did not deserve to be assaulted”.

Walters, 34, pleaded guilty to spitting in the face of the victim and was sentenced to 8 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months, and must complete 100 hours of unpaid work. He must also pay £100 compensation and £225 victim surcharge and costs.

Davies, 47, pleaded guilty to a common assault by way of a punch, and was sentenced to 60 hours unpaid work. He must pay £100 compensation and £170 costs and victim surcharge.

Thomas, 34, pleaded guilty to assaulting the victim and was sentenced to 120 hours unpaid work and must pay £50 compensation, £170 costs and victim surcharge. He received a longer ban, having already received a three year banning order in March for a pitch invasion in February.

PC Evans added: “The overwhelming majority of Cardiff City fans are well-behaved and passionate about their team. In fact some home fans tried to protect the victim and his brother during this incident”.

“However, whenever there is evidence of football-related disorder or violence we always pursue those responsible in order that appropriate action is taken.”

Walters, Davies and Thomas are banned from attending any football matches in the UK which are regulated under the Football Spectators Act 1989.

As part of their bans, imposed by Cardiff Magistrates’ Court on Friday, June 14, they must not:

1) Enter any licensed premises within 2500 metres of any regulated football match in the United Kingdom during the period of 5 hours before kick-off until 5 hours after the final whistle

2) Enter any town or City in the United Kingdom where Cardiff City Football Club or the Wales Team are playing a regulated match at any away ground.

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