
Wales News Online

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Neil Hamilton AM urges farmers to get behind Farming in Wales campaign

NEIL Hamilton, AM for Mid & West Wales and Leader of UKIP Wales, is urging farmers to get behind a new campaign to promote farming in Wales.

NFU Cymru want farmers to spread the #WeAreWelshFarming #NiYwFfermioCymru message by putting a ‘We Are The Heart of Rural Life’ ‘Ni Yw Calon Bywyd Gwledig’ sticker on their bales of hay.

Speaking at the Royal Welsh Show, Mr Hamilton, a member of the Senedd’s Rural Affairs committee said:

“I am a great supporter of any campaign which helps to promote the work of our farmers and our agricultural industry.

“It is important for people to realise the vital contribution they make, not only to our economy but also to wider life in Wales.

“As well as producing the nation’s food, they also have a role to play in many other ways, including enhancing the environment, boosting the Welsh economy, supporting tourism and in turn, educating the next generation.

“I am happy to back any initiative which will raise awareness of life working in rural Wales and urge farmers to ask for stickers.”

To request a sicker email nfu.cymru@nfu.org.uk.

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