
Wales News Online

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ANOTHER 25 new council houses which don’t need boilers to heat them are planned in Swansea.

If funding is approved and planning permission granted, the Clase properties will have integrated solar roofs, battery storage, and air source heat pumps.

Council chiefs are applying for £825,000 of Welsh Government funding for the green technology element of the new-build project on Hillview Crescent and Beacons View Road.

The houses are earmarked on land adjacent to the new £7.4m YGG Tan-y-Lan, which will open in 2021.

It follows two other phases of council house building at Colliers Way, Portmead, and more recently Parc yr Helyg in Birchgrove.

Speaking at a meeting in which the £825,000 grant application was approved, council leader Rob Stewart said the Clase properties would be “really high-quality homes”.

He said: “I am very happy to support this. I think it will be a really good development.”

Work on the properties would have to start by April 30 next year if the Welsh Government awards the grant.

The 18 Colliers Way houses and flats were the first new council properties built in Swansea for more than a generation. A further 18 will start taking shape there at the end of the year.

Meanwhile, work on 16 properties at Parc yr Helyg got under way in April.

The Welsh Government has contributed to all of the energy efficient housing schemes so far, with the council borrowing money to finance the main build costs.

During a visit to the Parc yr Helyg site six weeks ago, Swansea West AM and Minister for Housing and Local Government Julie James said: “We want to develop homes that contribute to tackling climate change and are affordable to run.”

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