
Wales News Online

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WEEDS and litter are starting to blight new areas of shrubbery and flowerbeds in Swansea city centre, according to a councillor.

Councillor Cheryl Philpott welcomed the ongoing investment in The Kingsway, West Way and elsewhere but urged the authority not “to lose sight of the basics”.

Council chiefs said they have made a big effort to plant trees and other so-called green infrastructure, and would set aside a pot of money for maintenance.
Speaking at a full council meeting on June 27, deputy leader Clive Lloyd said it was great to see work on the indoor arena, The Kingsway and privately-funded student developments progressing after “many years of artists’ impressions”. He said: “They are no longer artists’ impressions – they are about to become reality.”

Cllr Philpott had asked the administration in writing about maintenance on West Way, and said at the meeting: “The shrubbery is starting to be overgrown.
“Some weeds are over three foot high. Now we have litter under those shrubs. We can’t lose sight of the basics.”

Cabinet member for environment and infrastructure management, Councillor Mark Thomas, said he could not shy away from the fact that resources were very tight. But he said money would be ring-fenced for maintenance. “We have got some ideas about how we set up that fund, but it’s got to be protected,” he said.

A key feature of the indoor arena development off Oystermouth Road is a new coastal park, which will sit above a car park. And the planned revamp of Castle Square is expected to reintroduce more greenery.

Councillor Peter Black asked for assurances that the ring-fenced pot of money would not mean less maintenance elsewhere.

Cllr Thomas said that would not be the case. “It’s not robbing Peter to pay Paul,” he said.

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