
Wales News Online

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100 youths involved in anti-social behaviour at Burry Port and Llanelli train stations

POLICE responded to reports of antisocial behaviour involving a group of around 100 youths on Friday evening (May 28) at Burry Port train station. British Transport Police officers along with Dyfed-Powys PCSOs attended, but the situation escalated after the youths, most of them intoxicated, became abusive and disorderly. The group dispersed into smaller groups, with a number of them boarding the train for Llanelli.

Inspector Dawn Fencott-Price said: “Two Sergeants also boarded the train, to try and deter further antisocial behaviour, and provide some reassurance to other passengers and the train driver. They were in a carriage with 30-40 of the youths, and during the journey a fight broke out between the group. The two Sergeants attempted to separate them, and arrest the suspects. They faced aggression and obstruction, but they eventually managed to separate the offenders from the rest of the group. However, in doing so, both were assaulted by one of the suspects.

“A number were arrested for assault and assault police. The disorder then spilled out onto the platform at Llanelli train station, and more were arrested for being drunk and disorderly and public order offences.

“The aggression towards officers continued and many refused to leave, despite some being issued dispersal notices and being directed to leave. Therefore officers had to forcibly remove them from the platform onto the street.

“It took a considerable amount of time and resources to disperse the youths and to bring this incident to a safe conclusion, at a time when demand for our resources is high anyway. This level of disorder is inexcusable, and understandably causes the community and residents concern and distress.”

The youths arrested were conveyed home to their parents to be dealt with at a later date by British Transport Police, who will be taking primacy of the investigation.

Inspector Dawn Fencott-Price added: “We would appeal directly to parents to be aware of where their children are, and what they are doing. Antisocial behaviour and disorder of this kind will not be tolerated, and we urge parents to be accountable for their children’s actions.

“We have received calls from residents in Burry Port who are concerned about the behaviour of large groups of young people in the town for some time, and would encourage them to continue to tell us about such behaviour. Proactive action has been taken to address this. We have and continue to put additional resources in place to allow officers to respond swiftly.”

 British Transport Police Constable Rhys Lewis said: “Our officers, and network of CCTV cameras, are monitoring the railway 24/7.

“Our top priority is to keep passengers and rail staff safe and anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. We’ll have officers on high-visibility patrols at these locations over the weekend and are working closely with our partners at Dyfed Powys Police and Transport for Wales to ensure those travelling can do so safely.

“Anyone who experiences any issues while travelling can text us on 61016 or call 0800 40 50 40.”

Llanelli Neighbourhood Policing Team, supported by response officers, are carrying out high visibility patrols in the area, covering areas known to be popular with youngsters. We are also working closely with our partners such as British Transport Police, Carmarthenshire County Council, and Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, and will not hesitate to disperse groups.

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