
Wales News Online

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A ‘Blazingly Great’ Burry Port and Pembrey Carnival

THE crowds flocked to the little town of Burry Port today, Saturday (Jul 6) as the annual carnival took place.

The fun started on Friday with live bands and entertainment in the town where the residents know how to party.

The parade set off from Dyfatty Fields this afternoon and as usual the locals and visitors turned out in force.

The weather was kind to the revellers with just the right amount of heat. If any more heat were needed it was provided by the stunt show, which saw motorcyclists leaping through fire.

The parade included characters of all sorts and the regular attendance of the emergency services and the local RNLI.

The carnival keeps going throughout through the dedicated work of the carnival committee who put on fundraising events throughout the year.

The streets were decorated with coloured bunting and shop windows also had a carnival feel. As usual the carnival Kings and Queens received their prizes on the main stage. Actor Ioan Hefin was MC for the second year in a row and did a fine job marshalling the activities. Stalls of all sorts were scattered around the main field providing food and entertainment for the hundreds of people who poured in to the town.

There is more activity planned this evening and a Songs of Praise service takes place tomorrow.

Photos: Byron Williams

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