
Wales News Online

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A484 at Cwmduad re-opens for first time since landslide

THE A484 at Cwmduad in Carmarthenshire has fully re-opened for the first time following a landslide that happened there in October.

Carmarthenshire County Council’s highways team has led a highly complex operation to clear the area, make it safe and re-open the road to traffic once more.

Temporary traffic lights were removed from the stretch on Thursday when the last elements of the works, a masonry parapet, were completed.

The road has been partially re-opened allowing a single lane of traffic, since March.

Cllr Hazel Evans, Carmarthenshire County Council’s Executive Board Member for Environment, said: “We are pleased that we have finally been able to re-open the A484 at Cwmduad, which I know has had a major impact on the local community and road users for several months.

“I’d like to thank the highways team for managing and completing this highly complex operation, and also to road users and people living locally for their patience and understanding.”

The operation has involved extensive clearance and reinstatement of land off the highway, with the creation of a 10 metre buffer zone; construction of a temporary ramp from the highway to the river, to aid the recovery of lorry that was swept in with the force of the landslide; clearance of silt from the highway; construction of highway support and reinstatement of the bank to the east of the highway, as well as highway drainage clearance and reinstatement.

Recently, two members of the council’s highways team have been honoured for their bravery after coming to the rescue of the driver whose lorry was swept in to the Afon Duad River during the storm.

Dorian Lewis and Mark Allen won the Community Bravery Award at this year’s West Wales Community Awards, for pulling him from his vehicle and forming a human chain to bring him to safety.

The landslide tragically claimed the life of a young man, Corey Sharpling.

Dorian, said: “We didn’t do what we did to win an award, we did it to save a life, unfortunately, we were unable to save one life that day.”

Head of Transportation and Highways, Stephen Pilliner, added: “All the teams in the environment department work hard to deliver essential services to our customers. Following the devastating Storm Callum many staff members worked tirelessly to help our communities in the clear up. However a special mention must be made for Dorian Lewis and Mark Allen whose brave actions saved other lives and I am very proud that this has been recognised in the West Wales Community Awards.”

Cllr Hazel Evans said: “The actions of these men helped save one life that day, and it’s a pleasure for me to thank them on behalf of the council.”

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