
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

THE popular Market will be held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of every month starting at 10am at The Old Arriva Bus Depot on Park Avenue, Aberystwyth. This temporary change of location is due to the fact that the safe zones are in place in the town centre, where the market is usually held.

The first Market will be held on 07 August, following a break since March 2020 due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

Visitors will be able to see many of the regular stallholders, as well as many new ones. They are eager to come back to Aberystwyth after a difficult time. Shoppers will also be glad to see the Market back and are thanked for continuing to respect social distancing and also wearing a face mask while shopping to keep everyone safe.

The Aber Food Hub Click and Collect Service will continue from the Old Depot site. Further information and guidance on how to use the service can be found on the Open Food Network website.

For information about the Market, keep an eye on the new Aberystwyth Farmers’ Market website and on the Aber Farmers’ Market Facebook page.


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