
Wales News Online

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AM praises community spirit in face of Coronavirus

PLAID Cymru AM Helen Mary Jones hailed the community spirit of Pontyberem, in the face of the uncertain situation created by the Coronavirus.

The Mid and West AM thanked the workers of Menter Cwm Gwendraeth and Caffi Cwtsh for their efforts to provide for people during the public health emergency.

Mid and West AM Helen Mary Jones said:

“This is a great example of a social enterprise, a not for profit business adapting in difficult times. They are still open for takeaways, and offering free delivery to elderly customers and anyone self-isolating. They are also offering reduced rates for families with children at home.

“Caffi Cwtsh is a lifeline for many in the community especially the elderly and the staff are doing all they can to stay in touch with their customers.

“Staff were concerned about the medium term future. Many activities, including those that generate income have had to be cancelled and the cafe business is much reduced.

“I committed to keep pressing the Welsh Government to make sure all businesses support is available to cooperatives and social businesses as well as private companies, and to keeping staff informed of developments.

“Any businesses, including social enterprises and coops, across the region are welcome to get in touch so we can signpost them to information and advice”.

Helen Mary Jones is the Senedd Group Representative on Plaid Cymru’s National Executive Committee. Last night the party’s ruling body passed an official statement which committed the party to approaching the next few months by “speaking with one voice for one purpose – saving lives”.

The statement said: “As businesses and families face worry and uncertainty, our approach to politics needs to reflect the gravity of the crisis we face.

“Plaid Cymru will always put people before party and is prepared to approach the coming months in the spirit of collaboration”.

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