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AM urges residents to support nominations for outstanding patient care

NEIL Hamilton, AM for Mid & West Wales and Leader of UKIP Wales, is urging patients in his Region to take part in a national competition to reward their GP or practice.

Mr Hamilton is calling on his constituents to support The Royal College of General Practitioners Wales, which is seeking nominations for the GP of the Year and Practice Team of the Year awards.

He said: “As the NHS in Wales continues to struggle, it is good to see all the hard work by GP’s and their teams being recognised in this way.

“GPs, practice managers, staff and other healthcare professionals who make up a practice team, are often overstretched and extremely busy helping us to keep healthy. These awards are a great way to show our appreciation.

“These national awards offer us all the chance to recognise GP’s and practice teams for excellent patient care which often goes above and beyond the call of duty.

“I would urge patients in my Region, who want to reward their local GP, or practice to submit a nomination.”

The Royal College of GPs Wales represents a network of around 2,000 GPs, aiming to improve care for patients.

They work to encourage and maintain the highest standards of general medical practice and act as the voice of GPs on resources, education, training, research and clinical standards.

The award, which commends GPs for the difference they make to their patients’ lives, is nominated by members of the public who feel that their GP has provided them with an outstanding level of care above and beyond the call of duty.

All nominations will be judged on the content of each nomination and from those received a list of finalists, including the runners up and winners, are chosen by the Royal College of General Practitioners Wales Patient Group.

Nominations can be made through an Online Nomination Form or a Postal Nomination Form. The deadline is Friday July 26 2018.

More information about the awards can be found at the RCGP Wales website: http://www.rcgp.org.uk/rcgp-near-you/rcgp-nations/rcgp-wales.aspx.

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