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Approval of head of school improvement for Pembrokeshire delayed until May

A proposal to recruit someone to take on school improvement in the county was withdrawn for further discussions at extraordinary on Wednesday, March 31.

Pembrokeshire County Council had been due to vote on a recommended job role and recruitment plan for a head of school improvement post within its education directorate to ensure that the four Estyn recommendations made following a critical report in 2020 are met.

Cabinet member for education Cllr Guy Woodham withdrew the item from the meetings agenda because of “the impending retirement of other officers in the directorate” which he said allowed for an opportunity to “reshape the role” to meet the requirements of schools and council.

The need for a head of school improvement has been “identified as critical” added Cllr Woodham but a delay until the May full council meeting would allow for “further work undertaken on the job description.”

The interim arrangements would be “business as usual” he told Cllr Jamie Adams who said he was concerned about the capacity of the directorate and “it’s a matter of urgency” that the situation be resolved.

Councillors heard that the director of education had given assurances that the he was “able to manage this position going forward” but recruitment would start as soon as full council permission is given with the aim of having someone in post by September 1.
“Other changes within the directorate means there’s the opportunity to refine this more and get a better role than what we originally envisaged,” said Cllr Woodham.

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