MAE Gweinidog yr Economi, Vaughan Gething a'r Aelod Dynodedig, Cefin Campbell wedi cyhoeddi heddiw y bydd Llywodraeth Cymru yn buddsoddi...
Gwynoro Jones
ON 27 September 2022, the Welsh Government announced the main residential rates of Land Transaction Tax (LTT) will change on...
LAMB from Wales will be shipped to the USA for the first time in more than 25 years today. The...
THE Welsh Government will invest £11 million over the next three years in Arfor 2, Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething and...
MAE taith gerdded ar y traeth i godi arian ac ymwybyddiaeth o hunanladdiad ymhlith pobl ifanc yn dychwelyd i Abertawe'n...
A BEACH walk to raise money and awareness of suicide in young people returns to Swansea later this month. Swansea University's Wellbeing Service is hosting HOPEWALK 2022 on Sunday, October 30 in aid...
by Rory Sheehan THERE are nearly 4,000 people currently on Wrexham Council’s housing waiting list, with the deputy leader says...
THIS year's Swansea Science Festival will feature a week-long programme of in-person events, including a talk from award-winning TV presenter and conservationist Chris Packham, when it returns this autumn. The Festival, hosted by Swansea University in partnership with the National Waterfront Museum, runs from 31 October - 6 November with events taking place across Swansea's LC, Taliesin Arts Centre, Oriel Science and National Waterfront Museum. An early bird discount of 22% is available for bookable events up until midnight on Sunday...
FIRST Minister Mark Drakeford faced a different kind of grilling this week as he took questions from school pupils in...
THE Welsh Government’s Counsel General is calling on the new UK government to reset its relationship with the legal sector....