
Wales News Online

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Binmen’s Christmas surprise for Morgan and Martha

EVERY week Morgan and Martha Jermin wait patiently at the window for the bin lorry to pull into their street.

They watch the crew collect all the blue bags and empty the food bins and they give them a little wave and a smile – and in return they get a big wave back and a toot of the horn. Then off they go to school with a big smile on their faces!

But this week the binmen decided to give the children a surprise Christmas treat and invited them outside to say hello and have a closer look at the lorry.

Driver Jonathan Rees and loaders John Davies and Mongi El-Kamel showed Morgan, aged six, and Martha, aged four, how the vehicle works. They were able to see up close how the bags in the back of the lorry are compacted and how the food waste container is emptied when it is full.

They also sat inside the cab and had some photos taken.

Mum Sara said: “We have two long windows by the front door and every week they have a window each and wait for the binmen to come, they get so excited; and the crew are great, they always wave back.”

Morgan and Martha, from Llanelli, know all about recycling and how important it is for the environment.

“We recycle cardboard, paper, plastic and food too,” said Morgan.

Dad Dan said: “A huge thanks for organising the visit, Morgan and Martha were delighted and have been telling all their friends in school.”

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