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Blaenau Gwent joins Wales big recycling mission to tackle climate change

WITH 92% of people in Wales now recycling regularly*, Wales is one step closer to its Mighty Mission to become world number one for recycling.

That’s why Blaenau Gwent Council, along with other councils in Wales has teamed up with www.bemightyrecycle.org.uk by calling on our residents to keep up their mighty efforts by recycling all they can this Spring.

Despite the challenges presented over the last year, Wales’ recycling rate hit a record-high (65%**) and 55%* of us now recycle more than we did 12 months ago.

Wales has shown its mighty spirit and is already third-best in the world, but with half of us still not recycling everything we can, there is still some way to go.

Recycling is one of the easiest ways we can help tackle climate change from our homes as it helps to conserve natural resources and save energy, slowing down the effects of climate change.

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, Executive Member For Environment, Cllr Joanna Wilkins said:

“We’re getting behind Wales Recycles’ Mighty Mission to become number one in the world for recycling. We can all play a part by recycling everything we possibly can at home – whether that’s food waste such as eggshells, fruit and vegetable peelings and teabags from the kitchen, or recycling empty shampoo and shower gel bottles from the bathroom. We’ve shown we have what it takes by having our best year ever for recycling, so let’s continue our mighty effort to lead Wales to number one in the world.”

Wales Recycles has shared its top five tips for recycling at home this Spring:

Go green with your spring clean

Empty cleaning product bottles can be recycled – from plastic bleach bottles to trigger sprays and furniture polish aerosols. Make sure they’re empty and put them into your recycling instead of throwing them away. Recycling just one cleaning spray bottle saves enough energy to charge six tablets.

Clear out your clutter

Spring is traditionally a time to have a sort-out at home. Instead of throwing items away, check Wales Recycles’ Recycling Locator for more information on where to recycle items such as batteries, clothing and small electrical items.

Turn your food waste into power

If you’re cooking, put all inedible food waste such as vegetable peelings and stalks into your food waste caddy, along with eggshells and any bones leftover from meat or fish. Teabags, coffee grounds and fruit peelings can also be recycled. When food is recycled it is turned into renewable energy. One recycled banana peel can produce enough energy to charge two smartphones.

Boss your bathroom bottles

Most household plastic items can be recycled including bathroom toiletries such as plastic shampoo, conditioner, hand soap and shower gel bottles. When they’re finished, give them a rinse and put them in your recycling container. It takes 75% less energy to make a plastic bottle from recycled plastic compared with using ‘raw’ materials, so protect the planet from your bathroom by recycling.

Ace your aerosols

Empty deodorant, dry shampoo and air freshener aerosols can all be recycled. Metal is infinite meaning it can be recycled again and again without losing any of its quality. Join 73% of people in Wales who already recycle their empty aerosol cans.


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