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Broadcaster Chris Needs MBE passes away

THE popular BBC Wales radio presenter Christopher (Chris) Needs MBE has passed away at the age of 66.

Chris Needs presented the popular BBC late night radio programme The Chris Needs Show (the Friendly Garden) where he played a mix of music requested by his listeners who were all given personal numbers. Men were given the title Mere Male while women were given titles like Dame. The show had thousands of followers not least because of the presenters kindness, charm, wit and humanity. Anyone could join and signing up meant you’d receive a starter pack, badge and goody bag

Chris was a gay man who had spoken out about issues in his own life and had gone on record as publicly stating how difficult it was to be a gay man in Wales.He authored a number of books including ‘highs and Lows’, And There’s More’ and ‘Like It Is’.

Chris loved animals and treasured his own pets often speaking about them on air. He had travelled extensively and he had been presenting daytime radio while juggling a busy life raising money for charity as the founder of the Chris Needs Hospital Appeal.

Celebrities have being paying tribute to the popular presenter.

Chris Needs:
Born in Cwmafan near Port Talbot in 1954.
1996 Joined Radio Wales
Presenter for six years for independent Welsh radio.
1996, Radio ‘Oscars’ wins Sony Silver Award for Best Regional Presenter
2005, awarded the MBE

Chris leaves behind his long term partner Gabe Cameron.

Chris Needs, radio presenter, 1954 – 2020

Pic. Gabe Cameron, Chris Needs Official Facebook Fan Club

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