
Wales News Online

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Caerphilly Council condemns abuse and threats towards staff and councillors

CAERPHILLY council is keen to send a clear message that threats and abuse towards staff and councillors will not be tolerated.

Concerns have been raised recently following a number of threats and abusive comments aimed at council officials. One threat against an elected member was so serious that Gwent Police were required to intervene in the matter.

Formal mechanisms are in place for residents to raise any complaints or concerns via the CCBC website – www.caerphilly.gov.uk or by calling 01443 864221

A council spokesperson said:

“We will not tolerate abuse, threats or intimidation towards our colleagues. Unfortunately, there are a growing number of ‘keyboard warriors out there who find it acceptable to make abusive, threatening or inappropriate comments. We want to send a clear message that the council will not tolerate this behaviour and action will be taken against those responsible where appropriate.

The coronavirus pandemic and the associated restrictions that we have all experienced over the past 12 months are no doubt testing our patience and heightening frustrations, but there really is no excuse for this type of behaviour. Let’s continue to be kind to each other as we continue to navigate our way through the biggest challenge we have ever faced.”


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