CEREDIGION County Council’s cabinet will discuss a plan to buy a four-bedroom house suitable for use as supported housing at its meeting on Tuesday (August 4).
A house in south Ceredigion could be bought by the council as those in need of homeless temporary accommodation doubles since lockdown with an estimated cost, including conversion, of around £260,000.
A report to cabinet states that since Covid-19 lockdown in March “there has been a doubling” of individuals, couples and families being placed in homeless temporary accommodation was 62 at the end of June.
Data relating to housing need across the county, by area, age group and the number of bedrooms needed is included in the report, which identifies nine people needing supported accommodation in the south where there is currently no provision.
The cabinet is recommended to approve the request to buy a property with the report adding that discussions have shown “that there is sufficient need for a property to house homeless individuals requiring either temporary accommodation and/or support services to sustain a tenancy and maintain independence in the Cardigan area.”
The property would be converted to allow four units of accommodation as well as an office space, an additional kitchenette on the first floor, toilet on the ground floor, which will help meet Welsh Government COVID-19 guidelines.
A Welsh Government grant bid of £100,000 has been “indicatively successful.”
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