
Wales News Online

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Ceredigion’s full council met publicly for the first time this week with councillors joining a virtual meeting.

A virtual lockdown meeting was held in June to appoint Sian Howys to the post of corporate lead officer – Porth Cynnal and statutory director of social services but this was not open to the public.

On Thursday, September 10, Ceredigion councillors met to receive several reports and give them the final seal of approval.

Members accepted a report of the audit committee chairman, Cllr Rowland Rees-Evans, which had met earlier the same day, along with a Audit Wales report on the council’s accounts and the financial figures themselves.

An update Annual Governance Statement was also approved.

Other matters previously discussed at cabinet which received the backing of those councillors in attendance included Public Space Protection Orders and their continuation in Aberystwyth, Lampeter and Cardigan town centres.

These restrict public drinking of alcohol in certain areas and give the police greater powers to deal with nuisance, annoyance or disorder associated with alcohol.

The reappointment of Cllr Catrin Miles, cabinet member for schools, lifelong learning and skills, support and intervention, on the Youth Justice Management Board was also confirmed.Ceredigion council tend to business

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