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MUSIC lessons using “blended” methods of face-to-face and online teaching will allow schools to “add value”.

During the closure of schools due to covid-19 Ceredigion County Council’s pupils maintained their music lessons online and was the first county in Wales to get a virtual service up and running other, with officers helping other authorities to develop a service.

Members of the learning communities overview and scrutiny committee heard on Thursday (May 27) that around 60 per cent of pupils learning instruments were able to continue with virtual provision over the last year.

A report to committee states that 665 pupils accessed tuition in string instruments, woodwind, brass, piano, percussion, vocal and harp and there were also two virtual concerts which pupils got involved with via West End Wales.

Corporate manager for culture Non Davies said that there were “challenges” including internet quality issues, difficulty tuning instruments, and it was harder for younger pupils just starting with an instrument to learn online.

She said virtual teaching “won’t replace face to face provision full, it will enhance and add value to that provision.”

There will be discussion with teachers about how best to add value and the team was looking froward to returning to face-to-face lessons “towards the end of the summer term”, with ensemble and choral work back in September, in line with covid regulations.

Cllr Paul Hinge said: “It’s great to see we have been able to work around giving people lessons, albeit, at a distance and virtually. The important thing is we have a pathway getting ensembles back together on a face-to-face basis because to have that dynamic playing in a group enhances the musical experience.”

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