
Wales News Online

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THE children of St David’s Catholic Primary in West Cross, Swansea are in need of your votes.

St David’s is entered in a competition to win a recycled playground made from dental products. As St David’s are actively collecting used toothbrushes, toothpaste tubes and recycling them – the children could end up sitting on a bench made from their own toothbrushes!

However, they are currently in third place in this National competition, and there is a Scottish school hot on their tails. There are only two days left to vote in this Terracycle/Colgate competition, and the St David’s kids are hoping you can get behind them and help the school to win!

Voting is simple. Go to https://www.terracycle.com/en-GB/contests/colgateplayground [1] and put in your name and email, then choose St David’s Catholic Primary School.

As the children and the school do so much work in recycling, reusing, and reducing the waste going to landfill, they’re hoping you will be able to help them too!
Voting closes at midnight on Wednesday (3rd July), so don’t delay!

Vote today for the children to get a much needed playground.
Image Attribution. Kevin Payravi [CC BY-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)]

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