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City centre streets brightened up by new Swansea artists

TWO new collections of art created by people across Swansea have gone on show in the city centre.

The work brightens up safety hoardings around the £135m Copr Bay project that will help regenerate the city.

Those involved in the new artworks include young people from the YMCA Swansea’s Young Carers Service plus refugees and people seeking asylum who attend the Glynn Vivian Art Gallery’s Welcome Group.

Robert Francis-Davies, the council’s cabinet member for investment, regeneration and tourism, said: “I applaud all those involved in these two new collections.”

The new artworks, brought together by the council’s cultural services team, appear on hoardings around Copr Bay’s north side, next to Iceland and St David’s Church. This site will soon be home to commercial units, homes and car parking; the arena, more parking and new parkland is emerging on the other side of Oystermouth Road.

The Welcome Group is a regular creative workshop run by Glynn Vivian, for everybody in Swansea. It’s a safe place for refugees and people seeking asylum to learn, socialise and make art.

It is run by the gallery’s associate artist Mary Hayman, helped by volunteers. It’s managed by the gallery’s learning and participation officer Daniel McCabe and is supported by a grant from the Arts Council of Wales, and the Friends of the Glynn Vivian.

The group’s new public artworks are portraits of friends, acquaintances and relatives.

Mary Hayman said:

“Art can change your life and this group helps change lives for the better. Having this work shown publicly is further recognition that our members are valued citizens of Swansea.”

Swansea Songs is a project created by artist Soozy Roberts in collaboration with young people from the YMCA.

It celebrates young carers through a series of quirky portraits set alongside song lyrics that reflect the individual characters of the young people represented.

Soozy Roberts added:

“I hope these bright and colourful photos and songs will speak to passers-by in some way and give a little joy or hope.”

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