
Wales News Online

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Closure of a port would be a disaster for Pembrokeshire

PEMBROKESHIRE Liberal Democrats have urged local MP and Welsh Secretary Simon Hart to take urgent action to end the trading barriers which are severely damaging Welsh ferry trade with Ireland fuelling concerns for the long term future of our ports.

This follows the claim by Glenn Carr, general manager at Rosslare Europort in Ireland that Wales should only have one ferry port in Pembrokeshire following a reduction by 49% in Rosslare’s UK ferry traffic. The Liberal Democrats believe it is essential to keep both Fishguard and Pembroke Dock ferry ports open.

Alistair Cameron, Welsh Liberal Democrat Senedd Candidate for Carmarthen West and South Pembrokeshire, said: “Some companies have chosen to take the sea route from Ireland to the European continent rather than going through the UK’s land bridge. They have done this to avoid the trading barriers which have arisen from our hard Brexit. Mr Hart and his government colleagues need to ‘step up to the plate’ and take urgent action to eliminate these trading barriers before we lose one of our precious ferry ports.”

Tina Roberts, Welsh Liberal Democrat Senedd Candidate for Preseli Pembrokeshire said: “Both Fishguard and Pembroke Dock are vital ferry ports to our local community and to local businesses. Staff at these ferries have worked very hard to provide an excellent service which also benefits tourism and local trade. The government needs to end its trading barriers with Ireland to avoid the catastrophe of one of these ferries closing.”

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