
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

A PUBLIC toilet block could be demolished to make way for a community hub under plans to reduce social isolation.

An application has been submitted to Wrexham Council by a not-for-profit company called Hwb Yr Orsedd Ltd, which would result in the disused facility on The Green in Rossett being knocked down.

The volunteers behind the project said the community building would be designed for groups to meet, socialise and participate in activities.

They said it would also provide somewhere for families to meet up with friends and grab a coffee while their children use the nearby park.

In a post on Facebook, representatives for the company said the scheme was now at a key stage ahead of a decision being made by local authority planners.

They said: “As well as a community space we see the hub being a focal point for delivering essential mobile services such the library, bank and post office which are currently difficult to access for those who need them the most, particularly the elderly.

“To date we have set up the company, developed a business plan, negotiated a lease for the site with Rossett Community Council and engaged architects to produce designs for the hub.

“We are now at a critical stage of the project to obtain planning permission.

“We have engaged with Wrexham planning officers who are supportive of the proposals.

“Once planning permission has been granted, we will be in a position to bid for funding to the major funding bodies and hopefully make our vision for the hub a reality.”

The proposals include a large indoor space which can be sub-divided to provide a multi-use facility, along with a kitchen and serving area.

A covered decking area would also be created with seating space for up to 24 people and views towards a newly positioned play area, as well as a small meeting space.

Volunteers said their efforts to engage with residents on the scheme had been hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic, but have asked for anyone with ideas on how the hub can be used to e-mail hwbyrorsedd@gmail.com

The plans can be viewed by visiting the Wrexham Council website.

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