
Wales News Online

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Community Protection Notice (CPN) issued for livestock worrying for the first time in Dyfed-Powys

The CPN was issued in the Powys area following numerous reports of livestock worrying which could be traced back to one person’s dogs. The owner had already been issued with a warning letter at the beginning of February this year however the dogs continued to be allowed to worry livestock.

The CPN requires that the individual

  • must not enter any private land such as a farmer’s field, enclosed or otherwise, with any dog without written permission from the landowner.
  • That any dog under their control must be securely held upon a lead when crossing through any land that contains any livestock.
  • That any dog under their control must be securely held on a lead, whilst it is being walked upon any public road or highway.

Sergeant Matthew Langley, Dyfed-Powys Police Rural Crime Team said:

“As a predominantly rural force, we regularly receive reports of livestock worrying and it is an offence we take very seriously.

“Although farmers will quite often accept compensation from the dog owners, where the owner is identified, that doesn’t really take into account the ongoing costs to buy or breed replacements.

“We regularly put out messages on social media and in the press advising dog owners to keep their dogs on leads and to ensure that their security at home is such that their dogs can’t escape.

“Although we try our best to educate dog owners, many still think it is ok to allow their dogs to roam freely in the countryside even when it’s obvious there are livestock in nearby fields

“The issue of the warning letter and now the Community Protection Notice demonstrates that we will take legal action when necessary.”


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