
Wales News Online

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Concerns over loss of parking as proposals for green corridor moves forward

THERE are concerns over loss of parking but two projects to improve Lampeter will be moved forward.

Bids for a share of £5million of Green Infrastructure funding will be submitted for two projects in the mid-Ceredigion town – Lampeter Green Corridor and pedestrian prioritisation on Market Street.

Cabinet heard on Tuesday (January 28) that local member Cllr Hag Harris had concerns about the loss of street parking on Lampeter’s Market Street in one of the proposals.

Cllr Ivor Williams, also a member for Lampeter added that parking was available in the nearby supermarket but it was charged.

“If it will be beneficial for that area it will make a difference, it looks a bit of a mess at the moment,” he said.

Regeneration and highways services will lead a scheme to remove on street parking from Market Street and replacing it with bays created by tree planting.

“These ‘bays’ would be suitable for market and pop up stalls,” the report states.

Approximate costings at this stage are £200,000 plus fees.

A note from Cllr Harris was read by council leader Cllr Ellen ap Gwynn who said he fully supported the green corridor and the “wish to develop a plan for Market Street” as he was concerned about the loss of parking.

The green corridor, lead by the Coast and Countryside service, consists of a development of 600m of all access footpath linking an employment area in the north with the University Campus in the middle with new housing in the south with the Co-op supermarket.

A report to cabinet estimates the cost to be around £100,000 for the route following a water course with hard surface with wet areas and planting alongside.

Trinity St Davids University who are the principle land owner affected by
the project are supportive of the proposal, the report adds.

Cabinet agreed that the bids progress to the next stage.

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