
Wales News Online

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Consultation on Ceredigion County Council’s Corporate Strategy

CEREDIGION Council are seeking views from all Ceredigion residents to help guide future opportunities to improve the well-being of all its residents and communities.

The consultation is open for this calender month and will close on 30 September 2022 and responses will help inform the final version of the Corporate Strategy which will be considered by the Council at its meeting on 24 November 2022.

The draft Corporate Strategy sets out the Council’s priorities, called Corporate Well-Being Objectives, along with our ambitions and the steps to achieve these over the next five years. The Strategy drives and informs everything the Council does. It has been developed based on a wide-ranging review of evidence and needs-assessments, including the Ceredigion Public Services Board’s Assessment of Local Well-being.

The proposed Corporate Well-Being Objectives are:

Boosting the economy, supporting businesses and enabling employment;

Creating caring and healthy communities;

Providing the best start in life and enabling learning at all ages; and

Creating sustainable, greener and well-connected communities

Councillor Bryan Davies, Leader of Ceredigion County Council, said:

“The Council’s new Corporate Strategy is an important document for Ceredigion. It sets out the ambitions of the newly elected administration and the priorities for improving the well-being of Ceredigion’s citizens and communities. I would encourage all of Ceredigion’s residents and businesses to take part in the consultation and have their say. This will help shape our priorities and play a vital role in improving well-being for everyone in Ceredigion”.


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