
Wales News Online

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Consultation on double yellows on road near Aberystwyth marina

IF no one objects double yellow line will be painted on a stretch of road near Aberystwyth marina.

Ceredigion County Council’s cabinet agreed to advertise a change to parking restrictions at Y Lanfa on the section by its junction with the main trunk road, originally proposed in 2018.

The regulations could not be put in place at that time because there was a need to “co-ordinate with changes to parking restrictions on the A487 Truck Road.”

A full consultation is required, following a first stage consultation which saw no objections received.

The prohibition of parking at any time restrictions – double yellow lines – will be re-advertised and if no one objects the Traffic Regulation Order will be made and the lines painted, said cabinet member for highways and environmental services, housing and customer contact  Cllr Dafydd Edwards on Tuesday (March 16).

A report to the meeting states that the restrictions are “to prevent obstruction to larger vehicles seeking to access Aberystwyth Marina and nearby residential properties.”

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