
Wales News Online

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‘Coronavirus cannot be allowed to devastate Welsh Economy’, says leader of Welsh Lib Dems

THE Welsh Liberal Democrats have called on the Welsh Government to provide unprecedented support for Welsh businesses to prevent Coronavirus from devastating the Welsh economy.

The Welsh Government will receive an extra £1.1bn as a result of the UK Government’s £350bn support package for businesses announced yesterday. £330bn of this package is state-backed loans which will cover the whole of the UK.

Welsh Liberal Democrat Leader Jane Dodds said:

“We welcome the significant support for businesses announced by the UK Government yesterday. However, the they must also live up to their promise to “do whatever it takes” if this support proves to not be enough.

“The Welsh Government now has an extra £1.1bn to protect the Welsh economy from the devastating effects of Coronavirus. With entire industries on the brink of collapse and hundreds of thousands of people’s futures hanging in the balance, it is essential the Welsh Government spends this money effectively.

“People are crying out for the Government to step in and to take meaningful action to help them during this testing time. We cannot let them down.”

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