
Wales News Online

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Council and College awarded £50k grant funding from Youth Endowment Fund

PEMBROKESHIRE County Council – in partnership with Pembrokeshire College – has been awarded a grant of £50,000 from the Youth Endowment Fund to support young people at risk of being drawn into violent crime through the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the funding, staff from the Council’s Education Welfare Service, Pembrokeshire Learning Centre and Youth Services – working in partnership with colleagues from Pembrokeshire College -will provide additional support and a range of activities during the summer holiday period and into the autumn term.

The project will be focused on children and young people who are vulnerable to disengagement from education.

There will be a particular focus on transition from primary to secondary school and secondary to college in recognition that some young people face additional barriers to transition between these settings.

The funding will also provide for outdoor activity days to promote engagement, health and wellbeing during the summer holiday period.

The programme has been developed to reduce stress and anxiety felt by young people who have not been able to access regular support due to social distancing and stay-at-home measures.

The Youth Endowment Fund is an independent charitable trust set up by the Home Office. It funds, supports and evaluates projects in England and Wales which work to prevent children and young people from being drawn into violent crime.

Pembrokeshire County Council is one of 130 organisations to share part of a £6.5 million grant pot from the Youth Endowment Fund to help at-risk young people impacted by COVID-19.

Steve Davis, Service Manager at the County Council’s Youth Service, said“This is a fantastic opportunity to provide additional support and activities to children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds as they re-engage with formal education.”

Jon Yates, Executive Director at Youth Endowment Fund, said: “It has been too easy to forget vulnerable young people during this crisis.

“The pandemic has removed much of the critical support that many of them rely upon – from teachers to youth workers. This funding will help us find the best way to reach and support these young people when they most need it.”

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