
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

VALE of Glamorgan Council has upgraded to a new wireless guest network across all of its buildings including libraries and residential homes.

The new network offers a speedier coverage of 400Mbps, compared to the previous maximum bandwidth of 56 Mbps.

Accessing the network is incredibly easy. Users simply select the wireless SSID ‘Vale free Wifi’, open their internet browser and they will be redirected to a splash page.

Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Education and Regeneration, Cllr Lis Burnett said:

“Over the past year, digital inclusion has become more important than ever. We have all relied on the internet to work, connect with friends and family and to keep us entertained.

“We recognise however that access to the internet is, for many, a privilege. There are plenty of residents who will have not had access to the internet at home throughout the pandemic. With libraries and youth centres closed, many will have been cut off from the web.

“We’re pleased to be launching the new, faster guest network as our buildings re-open to the public. We hope it will help get more people back online and connected.”

The network is already ready to access and will also be pushed out to Penarth Pier Pavilion once that site is commissioned.

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