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Council shadow exec board member for social care and health welcomes new Domestic Abuse Bill

COUNCILLOR Kevin Madge Shadow Executive Board Member for Social Care & Health welcomes the New Domestic Abuse bill going through the House of Commons.

Cllr Madge stated that Domestic abuse is a horrendous crime and Councils should do all they can to tackle and prevent it. He also supports #CouncilsCan campaign. The Local Government Association who has been calling for greater action to reduce domestic abuse and it is a positive step that the Domestic Abuse Bill is taken forward in the House of Commons.

He welcomes the creation of a statutory definition of domestic abuse, and the inclusion of economic abuse within the bill I am also pleased to see the establishment of the Domestic Abuse Commissioner role.

Cllr Madge stated this legislation comes at the time when, even prior to the eventual long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, local government’s services, particularly children’s services were already facing unprecedented demand.

He also stated for this new bill to be successful in creating a consistency of services, it must be underpinned by adequate, long-term funding for councils.

About the Bill:

The measures in the Domestic Abuse bill seek to raise awareness of domestic abuse including by legislating for the fist time for a statutory definition of domestic abuse.

The Bill aims to protect and support victims but introducing a new Domestic Abuse Protection Notice and Order (DAPO)

Measures in the Bill seek to transform the justice response, for example by preventing the cross-examination of victims in family court proceedings by the abuser.

The Bill also introduces the new Abuse Commissioner to help drive consistency and better performance in the response to domestic abuse across all local areas and agencies.

If you or someone else is in immediate danger please call 999 and ask for the police Silent calls will work if you are not safe to speak-use the Silent Solution system and call 999 if you can’t speak, you will be diverted to an automated silent solution system. You can press 55 to be transferred to the local police force.

If it not an emergency, you can contact National Domestic Abuse Helpline 24-hours a day, for free in confidence 08082000247

Wales domestic abuse helpline number 0808 810 800

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