CWLWM, the group which brings together the 5 leading childcare and play organisations in Wales, is today calling for all childcare and playwork practitioners in Wales to be prioritised for the Coronavirus vaccine at the same time as teachers and education staff.
Schools and childcare are closely inter-linked and have, throughout the pandemic, provided safe provision for children across Wales. And, whilst transmission rates in older children are higher, social distancing in childcare is far more complex therefore childcare and play practitioners should be provided with the same protection as education colleagues in the vaccination schedule.
Cwlwm yn galw am frechlyn Coronafeirws i staff gofal plant a gwaith chwarae.
HEDDIW, mae Cwlwm, y grŵp sy’n dwyn ynghyd y 5 sefydliad gofal plant a chwarae blaenllaw yng Nghymru, yn galw am roi blaenoriaeth i holl ymarferwyr gofal plant a gwaith chwarae yng Nghymru ar gyfer y brechlyn Coronafeirws ar yr un pryd ag athrawon a staff addysg.
Mae cysylltiad agos rhwng ysgolion a gofal plant ac, drwy gydol y pandemig, maent wedi darparu darpariaeth ddiogel i blant ledled Cymru. Ac er bod cyfraddau trosglwyddo ymysg plant hŷn yn uwch, mae ymbellhau cymdeithasol mewn gofal plant yn llawer mwy cymhleth felly dylid darparu’r un amddiffyniad i ymarferwyr gofal plant a chwarae â chydweithwyr addysg yn yr amserlen frechu.
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