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Cymorth ychwanegol ar-lein o ran Profi, Olrhain a Diogelu / Online Test, Trace and Protect additional support

MAE system ar-lein wedi’i rhoi ar waith yn Sir Gaerfyrddin i gefnogi’r broses Profi, Olrhain a Diogelu.

Erbyn hyn, gall pobl sydd wedi cael prawf positif am COVID-19 ddewis rhoi eu manylion ar e-ffurflen a anfonir drwy neges destun.

Bydd y neges destun yn ymddangos fel NHSWALWALESTTP a bydd yn darparu dolen yn ogystal â chôd unigryw. Ni fydd pobl yn gallu ymateb i’r neges destun ac ni ofynnir iddynt roi unrhyw wybodaeth ariannol.

Y gobaith yw y bydd y system newydd yn darparu hyd yn oed mwy o opsiynau wrth helpu i olrhain y feirws, lleihau’r lledaeniad a rhoi diogelwch ychwanegol i gymunedau.

Gellir cysylltu ag unrhyw un sydd wedi bod mewn cysylltiad â rhywun sydd ag achos o COVID-19 wedi’i gadarnhau fel rhan o hyn a gofyn iddynt hunanynysu am hyd at 10 diwrnod, a gofyn am brawf os byddant yn dangos unrhyw symptomau o’r feirws. Bydd ymgynghorydd cyswllt yn cysylltu â’r unigolyn i roi cyngor a chymorth.

Bydd llythyrau hefyd yn cael eu hanfon at bobl sydd wedi cael prawf positif am Covid-19 ac na ellir cysylltu â nhw dros y ffôn neu drwy neges destun.

Mae Profi, Olrhain, Diogelu yn gweithio drwy:

Profi pobl sydd â symptomau coronafeirws, gan ofyn iddynt hunanynysu oddi wrth y teulu ehangach, eu ffrindiau a’u cymuned wrth iddynt gael prawf ac aros am y canlyniad.
Olrhain y bobl hynny sydd wedi bod mewn cysylltiad agos â’r person sy’n arddangos symptomau/sydd wedi cael prawf, gan ofyn iddynt fod yn rhagofalus drwy hunanynysu (gweler uchod).
Rhoi cyngor ac arweiniad, yn enwedig os yw’r person sydd â symptomau neu eu cysylltiadau yn y grŵp sy’n wynebu’r risg fwyaf.
Sicrhau, os nad coronafeirws sy’n achosi’r symptomau, y gall unigolion a’u cysylltiadau fynd yn ôl i’w trefn arferol cyn gynted â phosibl.
Dywedodd y Cynghorydd Philip Hughes, yr Aelod o Fwrdd Gweithredol y Cyngor dros ddiogelu’r cyhoedd: “Mae hyn yn fudd ychwanegol i sicrhau bod y rhai sydd wedi cael prawf positif am y feirws yn cael y cyngor a’r arweiniad cywir. Yn anffodus, mae sgamwyr yn targedu pobl sy’n agored i niwed drwy gydol y pandemig felly byddwn yn cynghori pawb i fod yn ofalus wrth agor unrhyw negeseuon testun neu negeseuon e-bost. Bydd y negeseuon testun hyn yn dod oddi wrth NHSWALWALESTTP ac ni fyddant yn gofyn i chi am unrhyw fanylion ariannol.”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y broses Profi, Olrhain a Diogelu ewch i wefan y cyngor

English Version:

An online system has been implemented in Carmarthenshire to support the Test, Trace and Protect process.

People who have tested positive for COVID-19 now have the option to provide their details on an e-form sent by text message.

The text message will show up as NHSWALWALESTTP and will provide a link as well as a unique code. People will not be able to reply to the text and will not be asked to give any financial information.

It is hoped that the new system will provide even greater options in helping to track the virus, reduce the spread and give extra protection to communities.

Anyone who has been in contact with someone with confirmed COVID-19 may be contacted as part of this and asked to self-isolate for up to 10 days, and to request a test if they show any symptoms of the virus. A contact advisor will get in touch with the individual to provide advice and support.

Letters will also be sent to people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and cannot be contacted by telephone or text.

Test, Trace, Protect works by:

Testing those people have coronavirus symptoms, asking them isolate from wider family, friends and their community whist taking a test and waiting for a result.
Tracing those people who have been in close contact with the symptomatic/tested person, requiring them to take precautions through self-isolation (see above).
Providing advice and guidance, particularly if the person who has symptoms or their contacts are in the at risk group.
Ensuring that if the symptoms are not due to coronavirus, individuals and their contacts can get back to their normal routines as soon as possible
The council’s executive board member for public protection, Cllr Philip Hughes said: “This is an additional benefit to ensure those who have tested positive for the virus are given the correct advice and guidance. Unfortunately, there are scammers around targeting vulnerable people throughout the pandemic so I would advise everyone to be cautious when opening any text messages or emails. These text messages will come from NHSWALWALESTTP and will not ask you for any financial details.”

For further information on Test, Trace and Protect, visit the council website


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