DYFED-Powys Police is running a volunteer of the month campaign to celebrate the work of volunteers.
Each month, a volunteer from a different area will share their story. This month it’s Special Constable Jason Carmichael’s turn.
Jason Writes:
“My name is Jason Carmichael, I am 46 years old and I own a local building and maintenance company, which employs 11 people.
“I have always had that burning ambition to become a police officer but my career / life path has never quite allowed me to fulfil this dream, for one reason or another.
“In 2017, after seeing an advert on social media, I took the plunge to apply for the Dyfed-Powys Police Special Constabulary and just haven’t looked back. I am now a fully independent police officer, dealing with all sorts of scenarios and criminality. No two shifts are the same, which just adds to the excitement.
“Becoming a Special has made me grow as a person and has changed me for the better. Volunteering is so rewarding, but it is not just the community that benefits – colleagues at the station benefit from the assistance too, and they are always showing their appreciation for the time I give.
“I have made some great new friends, and learned so many new skills. It really is the role that keeps on giving and I wouldn’t change it for the world. My only regret is that I didn’t do it earlier!
“Me and a Special colleague had a call one winter’s night, reporting a possible break-in taking place at a property.
“On arrival, neighbour informed us there had been a man trying to get in through the front door using a metal bar around 10 minutes before, and that he had gone around the back.
“We could hear some noise coming from the rear of the property, so we proceeded down the side, torches lit as it was pitch black. As we came around the corner, we were confronted by a tall man with an iron bar, trying to smash the door handle off.
“Our hearts were pumping and we knew we had to produce our batons and Pava spray, just in case he turned on us.
“We knew there were further units en route, but we had to deal with this ourselves as they were five to 10 minutes away.
“Luckily he was relatively compliant, so we got him to drop the iron bar and cuffed him down on the floor. He was arrested for criminal damage.
“Job done and the offender was safely in our custody with no one hurt.
The rarity of this call was actually catching a burglar in the act and having to draw our batons/Pava, which thankfully is something we rarely have to do in DPP.”
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