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Enhanced Employment and Enterprise Bureaus to help young people prepare for the world of work

Every further education college in Wales now has a dedicated Employment and Enterprise Bureau to help young people prepare for the world of work by supporting them to find a job or setting up their own business, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething has announced today.

The enhanced Bureaus are an important part of the Welsh Government’s flagship Young Person’s Guarantee, which commits to providing everyone under the age of 25 living in Wales with support to gain a place in education or training and help to get into work or become self-employed.

The bureaus, which will be backed by £2.36 million in Welsh Government funding this financial year, will help young people prepare for the labour market through a package of opportunities which will be made available for both full and part-time learners.

This support will help build essential employability and enterprise skills, with advice and guidance on offer to support young people into employment or self-employment.

The Young Person’s Guarantee will help protect a generation from the impacts of lost learning and delayed labour market entry caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, and to help make Wales a place where more young people feel confident in planning their future.

The Employment and Enterprise Bureaus will be delivered by the colleges and work with key partners, such as employers, Regional Skills Partnerships, Careers Wales and Working Wales.

They will create opportunities for learners to engage with local, regional and national employers; present varied routes into employment via programmes such as Jobs Growth Wales+, Apprenticeships and Big Ideas Wales; provide one-to-one advice and guidance; and encourage aspirations for entrepreneurship amongst learners through an entrepreneurship champion in each institution.

Economy Minister Vaughan Gething said:

“The enhanced Employment and Enterprise Bureaus form a key element of our strategy to prevent youth unemployment and ensure young people are not held back nor left behind as a result of the pandemic.

“They will provide a breadth of employment support and opportunities to streamline their transition from learners to workers.

“This will include nurturing ambitions for enterprise and entrepreneurship and embedding pathways into the world of self-employment. Encouraging young adults to stay in Wales by building their careers and launching their own businesses here will be instrumental as we re-design our economy post-coronavirus.

“The Employment and Enterprise Bureaus have also been designed to create talent pipeline needed to deliver on our Net Zero target, nurturing skills suitable for the sectors we need to grow.

“We want young people to get the best possible start in the world of work and I am determined we do all we can as a government to help deliver the long-term economic benefits our young people deserve.”

ColegauCymru strategic work-based learning and employability adviser Jeff Protheroe said:

“ColegauCymru welcomes the Welsh Government commitment to support further education learners as they take their first steps into the world of work.

“The rollout of Employment and Enterprise Bureaus will ensure that learners receive the guidance they need to achieve their full potential.

“With employers continually adapting to meet the changing needs of a fast-moving economy, our Further Education colleges play a central role both in a local and regional context, and are ideally placed to be the interface between them and the future workforce, and to meet the needs of both.”

Biwroau Cyflogaeth a Menter o’r radd flaenaf yn helpu pobl ifanc i baratoi ar gyfer byd gwaith

Mae gan bob coleg addysg bellach yng Nghymru ei Biwro Cyflogaeth a Menter ei hun i baratoi pobl ifanc ar gyfer byd gwaith a’u helpu i gael hyd i swydd neu i ddechrau eu busnes eu hunain, cyhoeddodd Gweinidog yr Economi, Vaughan Gething heddiw.

Mae’r Biwroau o’r radd flaenaf yn rhan bwysig o un o gynlluniau pwysicaf Llywodraeth Cymru, y Warant i Bobl Ifanc. Mae’n warant y bydd pob person o dan 25 oed sy’n byw yng Nghymru yn cael help i gael hyfforddiant neu le mewn addysg a help i gael hyd i swydd neu i fynd yn hunangyflogedig.

Bydd Llywodraeth Cymru’n neilltuo £2.36 miliwn y flwyddyn ariannol hon i’r biwroau newydd i helpu i baratoi pobl ifanc ar gyfer y farchnad lafur trwy becyn o gyfleoedd fydd yn cael eu cynnig i ddysgwyr amser llawn a rhan-amser fel ei gilydd.

Bydd y cymorth hwn yn meithrin sgiliau cyflogaeth a menter hanfodol, a chynigir cyngor ac arweiniad hefyd i helpu pobl ifanc i fyd gwaith neu hunangyflogaeth.

Bydd y Warant i Bobl Ifanc yn helpu i ddiogelu cenhedlaeth o bobl rhag effeithiau colli dysg a’r oedi a fu cyn ymuno â’r farchnad lafur oherwydd pandemig Coronafeirws ac i helpu i wneud Cymru’n lle mae mwy o bobl ifanc yn teimlo’n hyderus wrth gynllunio’u dyfodol.

Y colegau fydd yn gyfrifol am y Biwroau Cyflogaeth a Menter gan gydweithio â phartneriaid fel cyflogwyr, Partneriaethau Sgiliau Rhanbarthol, Gyrfa Cymru a Cymru’n Gweithio.

Byddan nhw’n creu cyfleoedd i ddysgwyr weithio gyda chyflogwyr lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol; gan gyflwyno amrywiaeth o lwybrau i waith trwy raglenni fel Twf Swyddi Cymru+, Prentisiaethau a Syniadau Mawr Cymru. Byddan nhw hefyd yn cynnig cyngor ac arweiniad personol a bydd hyrwyddwyr entrepreneuriaeth ym mhob coleg i annog dysgwyr i fagu uchelgais i fod yn entrepreneuriaid.

Dywedodd Gweinidog yr Economi Vaughan Gething:

“Mae’r Biwroau Cyflogaeth a Menter o’r radd flaenaf yn rhan bwysig o’n strategaeth i atal diweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a sicrhau nad ydyn nhw’n cael eu dal yn ôl na’u gadael ar ôl o achos y pandemig.

“Bydd amrywiaeth o gymorth a chyfleoedd gwaith ar gael iddyn nhw i’w helpu i fynd o fod yn ddysgwyr i fod yn weithwyr.

“Bydd hyn yn cynnwys porthi uchelgais ar gyfer menter a busnes a chryfhau’r llwybrau i fyd hunangyflogaeth. Bydd annog pobl ifanc i aros yng Nghymru trwy adeiladu eu gyrfaoedd a lansio’u busnesau eu hunain yn allweddol wrth i ni ailddylunio ein heconomi ar ôl coronafeirws.

Mae’r Biwroau Cyflogaeth a Menter wedi’u cynllunio hefyd i gynhyrchu’r talentau fydd eu hangen i gyrraedd ein targed sero net ac i feithrin y sgiliau sy’n addas i’r sectorau y bydd gofyn i ni eu tyfu.

“Rydyn ni am weld pobl ifanc yn cael y dechrau gorau posibl i fyd gwaith ac rwy’n benderfynol o wneud popeth yn ein gallu fel llywodraeth i sicrhau’r manteision economaidd tymor hir y mae’n pobl ifanc yn eu haeddu.”

Dywedodd cynghorydd dysgu seiliedig ar waith a chyflogadwyedd ColegauCymru Jeff Protheroe

“Mae ColegauCymru yn falch o weld ymrwymiad Llywodraeth Cymru i helpu dysgwyr addysg bellach i gymryd eu camau cyntaf i fyd gwaith.

“Bydd y Biwroau Cyflogaeth a Menter yn sicrhau bod dysgwyr yn cael yr arweiniad sydd ei angen arnyn nhw i wireddu eu potensial.

“Wrth i gyflogwyr orfod addasu i ddiwallu anghenion economi sy’n newid yn gyflym, mae ein colegau addysg bellach yn chwarae rhan bwysig mewn cyd-destun lleol a rhanbarthol, ac maen nhw mewn sefyllfa ddelfrydol i fod yn ddolen rhyngddyn nhw a’u gweithlu yn y dyfodol, gan ddiwallu anghenion y ddau.”

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