
Wales News Online

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FOLLOWING an inspection from Estyn, The Education Inspectorate for Wales, St Alban’s RC Primary School in Tremorfa has been removed from the list of schools requiring significant improvement.

A report has been published that details the progress made by the school in relation to recommendations made during Estyn’s inspection in May 2019.

During a recent visit, inspectors found that substantial improvements have been made including the establishment of stable and effective leadership and the delivery of improved evaluation processes helping the school to meet the needs of its learners. A supportive ethos where staff and pupils feel valued and cared for has been adopted as a result of the permanent appointment of the headteacher in March 2020.

The report highlights how pupil engagement and enthusiasm is promoted through the schools ‘university programme’ providing pupils with a range of opportunities such as drama and boxing and pupils’ reading skills have increased as a result of staff working diligently to improve provision. Investment in new reading resources has been delivered and a ‘reading café’ has been established, promoting a love of books in all ages.

A range of useful procedures to monitor and improve pupils’ attendance has been embedded including a minibus service to collect and bring pupils to the school. For those pupils who have demonstrated improved attendance or have achieved full attendance, a golden ticket is awarded, allowing them to enjoy a hot drink with the headteacher.

The report comments that the governing body has also been strengthened with the appointment of new experienced governors who have clear roles and responsibilities and visit the school regularly to take part in useful activities such as reading with pupils.

Estyn also found that the safeguarding concerns identified during the core inspection have been addressed including a comprehensive programme put in place to ensure pupils are provided with regular opportunities to learn how to stay safe online.

Cabinet Member for Education, Employment and Skills, Cllr Sarah Merry said:

“I am extremely pleased to see the significant improvements made at St Alban’s RC Primary School being recognised by the Estyn inspectors.

“Since the school was found to require significant improvement in May 2019, the local authority, with support from the consortium, has taken steps to enable the school to deliver improved standards. Leadership and governance has been strengthened and staff have been provided with professional learning opportunities to assist with development.

“I would like to congratulate the headteacher, governors, and staff for their hard work and dedication which has resulted in this positive outcome, providing the foundations for an exciting new chapter for the school.”

Reflecting on the success, Headteacher Rachel Woodward said:

“The school community of St Alban’s Catholic Primary School is delighted with the recent successful Estyn revisit. The hard work and commitment to providing the best education for our pupils have resulted in sustained improvement and high aspirations for all.”

V. Rev. Dr. Sebastian Jones, Chair of Governors added:

“The success of the recent Estyn Inspection of St Alban’s School was welcome news indeed. In this time when all schools are managing the changing expectations as a result of Covid, I congratulate the whole School community for its resilience, aspiration, and good spirits.

St Alban’s School has faced many challenges in recent years and today its teaching and learning successes are self-evident. I thank the Estyn Inspectors who identified and praised St Alban’s School. Whatever 2022 brings, we know it is a good year for St Alban’s.”

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