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FairFuelUK campaigners furious at cost of petrol and diesel during COVID-19 crisis

FAIRFUELUK campaigners are claiming that the rise in the cost of petrol and diesel is unfair and not reflective of the fall in price of wholesale fuel.

In a statement the campaign group said:

The Evidence is damning, the Fuel Supply Chain IS definitely Fleecing Motorists in our Nation’s Time of Crisis

FairFuelUK Supporters are livid, the massive fall in oil and wholesale fuel prices are not being passed on UK drivers at the pumps.

The greedy oil companies and their kindred wholesalers are still failing to pass on the recent fall in oil prices to reflect the real cost of filling up.

Average Pump Prices should now be for:
Petrol £1.00 per litre instead of currently £1.20
Diesel should be £1.10 per litre not £1.23.

Oil, Wholesale and Pump Prices Update – Since Christmas,
Oil has fallen by 57% in Sterling
Wholesale petrol has fallen 22% yet retail has only fallen 3%
Wholesale diesel has fallen 18% yet retail has only fallen 5%
Profit pence per litre for petrol has increased 360% and Diesel 286%
Since Christmas, the Average family car using petrol is paying £11 more to fill up their tank than necessary.
Since Christmas, the Average family car using diesel is paying £8.25 more to fill up their tank than necessary.

“In an extraordinary time where we all must adhere to Government advice to reduce risks to our health, the immoral fuel supply chain have been ripping off drivers to the tune of £23.8m per day. Since Christmas these opportunists have hidden behind a global crisis to fill their already fat wallets, by not passing on average, 20p per litre to what we currently pay at the pumps. The perennial cheating of the world’s highest taxed motorists, every time oil prices change, must be scrutinised by an independent PumpWatch body. It borders on criminal behaviour that Coronavirus is the smokescreen for these faceless businesses, to fleece UK’s 37m motorists. The Government must act now, to stop this chronic consumer abuse once and for all.” Howard Cox, Founder of the FairFuelUK Campaign

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