
Wales News Online

Local & National News for Wales

Figures demonstrate force’s continued efforts to keep communities safe

FOLLOWING the release of national figures by the National Police Chief’s Council, relating to crime and policing during the ongoing pandemic, Chief Constable Mark Collins has commented on the work ongoing across the Dyfed-Powys Police area to support the national effort.

“The figures released this week reflect the work that has gone into ensuring that we do all we can to protect our communities across the four counties we serve.

“Whilst our population number in relative terms is small, we cover half of the landmass of Wales. Annually we welcome more than ten million people to our area, and while together with our partners we have said for now, our counties are closed, some people haven’t listened to this and have continued to put communities and the NHS at risk.

“My officers have been out there for the last two weeks, since the legislation was introduced, working hard to engage and educate those who are out and about with no reasonable excuse.

“The need for us all to do this is clear – we are being asked to stay at home and limit our movement, in order that we can relieve pressure on our NHS, and ultimately provide people with a better opportunity to survive, should they be infected with the virus.

“The vast majority of our communities are complying with what we have all been asked to do, and I hope discussion today in relation to the action we have taken against those who risk putting us all in danger, sends a sign that Dyfed-Powys Police will do all we can to help this national effort succeed.”

Further to the operational data and comments provided by the Chief Constable, Dafydd Llywelyn the Police and Crime Commissioner stated that the figures show the exceptional proactive work of Dyfed Powys Police in responding to the COVID-19 Emergency.

“I have been impressed with the level of activity across the Force area during this critical time and I would like to publicly thank officers, staff and volunteers working hard to safeguard our communities.

“I am also proud of the majority of the public who have responded positively to the guidelines and have shown resolve and patients during this difficult time.

“In terms of the workforce abstraction rate and overall change to crime related demand, it is very pleasing and reassuring to see that we compare well to the national averages”.

Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued…since introduction of legislation | 27.03.2020 – 14.04.2020 – 368

Deserted Tenby

during the Easter bank holiday | 10.04.2020 – 13.04.2020 – 123

Overall change to crime related demand during the COVID-19 pandemic (to date)

Compared to same period 2019 – 35% reduction

Quiet roads Pembs

National average (as above) – 28% reduction

Workforce abstraction rate…

Force average during normal times Between 4-5%

Force average during COVID-19 pandemic (to date) Currently 6%

National average during COVID-19 pandemic (to date) Currently 10%

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