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Firearms surrender campaign runs again this summer

DYFED-Powys Police is appealing for people to hand in unwanted guns, with a two week surrender of firearms and ammunition starting on Saturday, (Jul 20).
Many firearms are held in innocence and ignorance of their illegality or are overlooked and forgotten in people’s homes. Others are acquired and distributed by criminal networks to harm, threaten and intimidate their local communities. This surrender gives people the chance to dispose of firearms or ammunition by simply taking them to a local police station and handing them over.

Superintendent Jon Cummins, Head of Specialist Operations for Dyfed-Powys Police, said:

“We are fortunate that gun crime is not something we deal with often in Dyfed-Powys Police. However, guns and ammunition don’t recognise borders. As well as taking them off our streets we also want to stop weapons travelling in to neighbouring communities.

“The national fight against gun crime is stronger than ever and we are working with partners and our local communities to safeguard, educate and intervene at the earliest opportunity.

“We use various tactics to locate weapons that have fallen into the wrong hands – but we need the public’s help. We want as many weapons as possible and are encouraging people to hand them in.

“If you know where a weapon is being kept illegally, now is your chance to surrender the gun, or tell us anonymously where it is. You will not be prosecuted upon surrender and you could save a life.

“One weapon off the streets is one less that can be used to harm or threaten our communities. We will use all of the powers and information available to us to locate this criminality and put a stop to it for good.”

The National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) co-ordinated the last national firearms surrender which took place in November 2017 and was deemed a big success with thousands of potentially lethal items prevented from getting into criminal hands.

This summer’s campaign has a particular focus on firearms, stun gun type devices and pepper sprays. Police want to highlight the danger of these items and remind people they are illegal in this country and could lead to a prison sentence for anyone caught in possession.

The surrender will be held for two weeks, until Sunday, 4 August 2019. During that period, those surrendering firearms will not face prosecution for the illegal possession upon surrender and can remain anonymous.

Call 101 to arrange collection of your weapon or ammunition by a specially trained police officer.

Alternatively, weapons and ammunition can be surrendered at any police station, but anyone handing in a firearm, ammunition or any other weapon during the campaign is advised to check the opening times of their station.

If you know of anyone involved in illegal firearms call police on 101, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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