
Wales News Online

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Former Newport nightclub to be redeveloped into affordable homes

A FORMER Newport nightclub, which was damaged in a fire, is a step closer to being redeveloped into affordable homes.

Listed building consent (LBC) has been granted by Newport City Council for the partial demolition of the Zanzibar Nightclub.

The building on Stow Hill is a former Baptist chapel, but has been used more recently as a nightclub, which shut in 2010.

In June 2018, Bethel Community Church – the neighbouring property – was engulfed in a fire which damaged the vacant nightclub.

Now, housing association Linc Cymru is proposing to demolish the “unsympathetic additions” to the grade II listed building, which was constructed in 1863.

This means, if planning permission is granted, the back of the building and the modern extensions are to be knocked down, but the historic façade onto Stow Hill will remain and be restored.

Cadw delegated the LBC decision to the council. But a decision on the plans is yet to be made – planning permission would need to be obtained before work can commence.

The plans propose for 23 of the flats to be built as a “contemporary” extension to the church that intends to create a link between old and new. The other 14 flats are proposed to be located in a new stand alone “L” shaped building.

A total of 26 one-bedroom flats and 11 two-bedroom flats are included in the plans. The apartments will have a shared parking court, a communal garden area and a dedicated bin store.

Due to the city centre location, the planning application states that parking provision is not required. But Linc Cymru has allocated 13 car parking spaces and 27 cycle spaces to the development – in addition to an electric car charging point.

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