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There will be some fresh faces around the cabinet table next month following the resignation of the member for housing and regulatory services.

Pembrokeshire County Council leader Cllr David Simpson accepted Cllr Pat Davies’ resignation this week.

Cllr Davies, who will remain councillor for Fishguard North West, is standing down for health reasons.

Taking her place are two newer councillors who will split the portfolio on a part-time basis.

Cllr Michelle Bateman, who was elected in 2017 to represent Letterston, will handle housing and Pembroke St Mary North Cllr Jon Harvey, elected in September 2018, will take on the planning portfolio from councillor Phil Baker.

Cllr Baker will continue as infrastructure and major events cabinet member.


Cllr Bateman said the role was a great opportunity and she was “delighted that the leader has put his faith in me.”

“I’m looking forward to the new challenge and excited to work with the rest of the cabinet,” said Cllr Bateman, adding that it was “a shame” she would no longer be carrying out the scrutiny role which she loves.

“I had no previous experience when I was elected two and a half years ago and I’ve taken every opportunity to learn, this is an opportunity to continue with that and drive forward some of the improvements we want.

“Pat Davies has done a great job so far,” she added.

Town planner Cllr Jon Harvey will bring his 34 years experience in the “planning and development world” to his new role, which he is “absolutely delighted” to take on.

He added that it would “put me in a good position to assist and drive on the planning unction” as he prepared to work with officers to find out what the challenges and priorities are for the department.

Council leader Cllr David Simpson paid tribute to Cllr Pat Davies’ work on the cabinet.

“It is with regret that I accept Pat’s resignation” said Cllr Simpson.

“She has played an important role in the new administration formed since 2017. Her commitment and enthusiasm for her cabinet portfolio has been first class and I am sorry to see her leave.”

Cllr Davies said: “A cabinet post is a stressful and time-consuming position, and I now feel that I have to consider my health. This is why, after much deliberation, I have made this difficult decision.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my role over the past two years and hopefully made a difference in driving forward the commencement of the council’s house building programme.”

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