
Wales News Online

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THE next phase of Milford Haven’s transformation plans has been submitted to Pembrokeshire County Council.

Included in the reserved matters application for the refurbishment and Quay Stores is a landscape management plan called the ‘green ravine’ which runs from the building along the foot of a cliff, around the Costa drive-thru to Victoria Road tunnels.

The ecological reports and green landscape management plan follow Natural Resources Wales comments to a 2019 reserved matters application.

As a part of the Port of Milford Haven’s masterplan, outline planning to turn Grade II listed Quay Stores into a “flexible multi-purpose venue” was approved in 2014 and includes demolition of a number of existing buildings for the redevelopment of commercial, hotel, leisure, retail and fishery-related floorspace.

Those plans referred to up to 70 additional marina berths, up to 190 residential properties, replacement boat yards, landscaping public realm enhancements, access and ancillary works.

The plan was called a “‘cultural cluster’ featuring a 100-seat restaurant and 400-seat multi-use auditorium for music, theatre and conferences” by the Architectural Review.

The green ravine includes a purpose-built bat roost, to replace one disturbed by work at Quay Stores, and will enhance the legally protected bat corridor, planning documents state.

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