
Wales News Online

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Helen Mary Jones MS says universal asymptomatic testing key to Students returning home for Christmas

RESPONDING to the Welsh Government’s plans to enable students to return home for Christmas, Plaid Cymru spokesperson for post-16 education, Helen Mary Jones MS said,

“This will no doubt be welcome news for students who will want to be home for Christmas and for families who will be glad to see them return home after a difficult term.

“Asymptomatic testing is key. It must be done efficiently, quickly and universally with all universities participating in the scheme to be successful. It is not yet clear if all universities will be offering tests.

“Support must also be given to those students who might not be able to go home for Christmas.

“However, Wales needs not just a clear plan for allowing students home for Christmas but also comprehensive guidance on their return to university in the New Year – including ensuring remote and blended learning to ensure their safety.

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