
Wales News Online

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PLANS have been submitted for two holiday cabins on farmland between Llanbrynmair and Carno.

Applicants Mr and Mrs Dale, want to build two cabins with separate sewerage treatment plants and associated works  of Hafodwen Newydd, Talerddig.

Agent, Gerallt Davies of Roger Parry and Partners, explained in a planning statement, that the cabins would be placed in field corners, and would not affect running of the rest of the farm.

Mr Davies, said: “The proposal will provide a holiday let site, which will in turn  provide the applicant with an additional income stream, support the local tourism of the area, and indirectly support local businesses and sites where visitors will visit.

“The proposal is for two holiday lets, sited adjacent to existing hedgerows and trees in two agricultural fields.

“There will be informal hard standing created as you enter the
site, forming a parking area for vehicles.

“Only a maximum of four vehicles would be on site during their occupation.

“The traffic movements associated with these, will be considered negligible.”

The cabins will be slightly different sizes with one measuring 10 metres by 6.25metres, and the other 8.5 metres by 8 metres.

Mr Davies added: “The proposed scheme has been specifically designed to be minimal.

“In that the cabins are small scale and low impact, and the number is considered to be low, to fit in with the proposed venture.

“Tourism is a vital component of Powys’ economy, with Powys’ beautiful countryside, combined with its history and culture attracting a vast amount of tourist activity.”

Mr Davies pointed out that there are a number of public rights of way nearby that are regarded as “tourist assets” and would go “hand in hand” with the accommodation.

The plans will be decided at a future date.

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